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Know Book 2020 Launch Party sponsored by Arizona Facial Plastics

Check out the Arizona Facial Plastics team at the recent Know 2020 Launch event! ...
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Skin Resurfacing: What are My Options?

If you had acne, scaring, or spent a lot of time outdoors, you might be wondering what options are available for resurfacing your skin to attain a smoother, more even texture.  The good news is that there are many, and ...
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Phoenix Residents Want to Know—What’s the difference between a facelift and a mini-facelift?

If you are considering a facelift procedure, you’ve probably come across the terms “full facelift” and “mini facelift.”  In this article, I’ll discuss who is the best candidate for a facelift, what those terms generally mean, and how to decide ...
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Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Options in Phoenix, AZ

A Nose Job without surgery?  Sounds great!  But what is it, exactly? The non-surgical rhinoplasty is a relatively new invention of cosmetic surgeons.  Clients are often interested in changing small things about their nose but don’t want to go under ...
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Ethnic Rhinoplasty in Phoenix

Are you unhappy with the appearance of your nose? If you have been thinking about getting a nose job or rhinoplasty in Phoenix or Scottsdale, then here are some things you should consider. The overall attractiveness of a face has ...
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Natural ways to plump your lips and be more kissable

Pucker Up Nothing says “kiss me” more than a set of luscious lips. Full, moist lips with a perfectly defined Cupid’s bow (yes, that’s the real name for those little lines from your nose to the points of your top ...
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Who is the Best Candidate for a Facelift?

Many people consider a facelift at some point during their lives. You may wonder whether a facelift is the right procedure or if there is something less invasive that could work. The Best Candidates for a Facelift If you’re interested ...

How Long Does It Take to Recover from a Facelift?

When you think about facelift surgery, you probably envision a long recovery process. But many patients are surprised by how short the recovery time can actually be. Whether you’re having a mini facelift or a facelift revision, with the advanced ...

Should I Get A Revision Facelift?

Patients come to our practice asking about revision facelifts in two scenarios. The first is most common. You had a facelift 10 to 15 years ago, and now you’ve noticed that you just don’t look as good as you used ...